Kids · Lifestyle · Reviews

Review: Inspirational Children’s Wall Art From Edu Prints Plus

Recently we have been working our way through the house giving each room a makeover as we haven’t really done much since the initial decoration when we moved in 8yrs ago. Next on our list is the little man’s room as it definitely needs an update to change it from a nursery to a big boy’s room. I was obviously thrilled then when a few weeks ago I was given the opportunity to collaborate with Edu Prints Plus as they kindly offered to gift me three of their fabulous prints, ideal to use as part of Leo’s bedroom revamp.

Who Are Edu Prints Plus?

Edu Prints Plus is the sister company of Exam Paper’s Plus and they offer a large range of fun, educational and most importantly inspiring poster prints. Their bold, colourful print range includes wall art to help children with their Maths and English as well as motivational quotes to help inspire kids to dream big.

They have a full range of times tables prints in colourful fun designs as well as vocab prints to offer kids different word options for their speaking and writing. Their inspirational prints come in a variety of designs all sending the same message to kids that they can be whoever they want and achieve anything!

“Because learning doesn’t have to be boring, hard or unpleasant to pin up on your wall”

The prints are all a standard A3 size and are printed in high quality 350gsm art paper, a much higher grade than most normal posters that range between 200-250gsm. They also all have a special velvety finish to help protect their surface from damage including sunlight and moisture.

Our Experience

Amazingly I was given the opportunity to select the prints I’d like to receive, and it was so difficult to whittle it down as they have such a wide range designs to choose from. When making my decision I wanted to pick prints that reflected Leo’s interests now as well as be inspiring for him for years to come so that they could continue to take centre stage in his bedroom long-term.

The first print that caught my eye when browsing was Kindness is a Superpower as Leo has recently started to show an interest in characters like Superman, Spiderman and other comic strip superheroes. This print is a great take on superheroes and I love that is promotes kindness as it’s something we have always instilled in the kids. It’s a simple yet effective message depicted in a bright colourful way, I love it!

The second print that I just HAD to pick is Looking for magic? You’ll find it in a book print. Now if you regularly read Fraser’s Fun House you will know just how much I talk about our family’s love of reading and books, so this print is simply perfect. I’m a huge advocate of children reading as opposed to spending their time on computers and I adore the inspiring message this print offers as it’s so true, every page of a book is lined with magic! The illustration on the print just sums up the message perfectly.

My final choice was Reach For The Stars as it’s a fabulously inspiring message for everyone, not just kids. It’s what I want my kids to always do as I want them to know they can do anything if they just reach up and grab it. I think this is my favourite of the three designs as the dog in the hot ‘moon’ balloon is just the cutest. I love the simple yet bold colouring of the print too which I know will look gorgeous on Leo’s wall when we get it decorated.

I’m really impressed with the quality of the prints we received and it’s great that the prints are a standard A3 size making it easy to buy frames to finish them off perfectly. As we haven’t yet decided on a colour scheme for Leo’s room ours aren’t framed yet, but I can’t wait to get it finished and hang these stunning prints on the wall.

These prints would be perfect for use in nurseries, schools, libraries and childcare settings not just in the home. They are educational, fun, and eye-catching and would certainly brighten any wall!

Prints are £12 each (plus P&P), however when you buy four prints you get your 5thFREE!!! UK Postage is FREE on orders of four or more prints.

To browse the full range of prints available visit the Edu Prints Plus Website

*Items featured in this post were gifted to us in return for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are our own.

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